Improving the lives of Feral Cats in Central Florida through Trap-Neuter-Return
About Us

CARE Feline TNR is a non-profit, charitable organization who has been providing TNR assistance for colony caretakers since 1996, and has facilitated the TNR (trap-neuter-return) of over 40,000 cats and kittens. CARE continues to work with individuals, businesses, schools, and other non-profit organizations in the community to increase the ever growing need for feral cat population control programs in Central Florida. In our commitment to better serve our communities, we work in partnership with Orange County Animal Services, Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando (formerly known as the SPCA of Central Florida), Spay N Save, Oviedo Veterinary Care & Emergency, SNiP-it, and private veterinarians to offer a TNR “package” of services. CARE's passion to help provide better lives for outdoor cats is what inspires us on a daily basis.
Our mission is to improve the lives of feral and abandoned cats through TNR (trap-neuter-return) in Central Florida, and to advocate for the humane treatment of feral cats.
CARE Feline TNR seeks to improve the lives of feral cats by providing support to colony caretakers (The caretakers manage colonies by providing food, shelter and medical attention), provide assistance with the TNR of each cat, and to continue our work as a critical component of colony management. We facilitate TNR efforts in the community.
Please note: CARE is NOT a rescue! We do NOT have any adoption options for cats or kittens, and we do NOT relocate feral cats. CARE is also NOT a trapping service. Although we would love to offer these service, we simply do not have the resources. We appreciate your understanding of these limitations.