Improving the lives of Feral Cats in Central Florida through Trap-Neuter-Return
Our History
We are proud of our history and very thankful to those who came before us. The story of our founder, Diane Jones, and her unfailing dedication to the feral & abandoned cats in our community. Please note that Diane founded CARE Feline Rescue, Inc. and that the name of our organization was changed to CARE Feline TNR, Inc. in January 2009 to clarify the work we do.
Diane Jones dedicated an incredible amount of her time, energy and personal resources to convince the Orange County Board of Commissioners to open one of the first taxpayer funded low cost spay/neuter clinics in the U.S in 1989. How did she do this? She demonstrated that more and more tax dollars were being used to house and euthanize an ever-increasing number of unwanted cats, kittens, dogs and puppies each year. Diane's suggestion was to stem the flow of

animals by providing affordable and accessible spay-neuter for the animals of Orange County residents. Her logical, humane and cost effective approach was put into action and expected to solve this “governmental” problem. After this initial success, Diane pursueded revisions to the Orange County animal control ordinance to make it friendlier for pet owners. This ordinance has been repeatedly revised over the years, with the most recent revision in 2005.
Next, Diane approached Animal Services manager, Linda Haller, with a plan to help the most neglected and in peril group of animals in our county, the feral and abandoned cats living on our streets. As a result of their collaborations, CARE Feline Rescue, Inc. was incorporated in November 1996. Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) would reduce the number of homeless cats who were needlessly and indiscriminately euthanized each year by Orange County Animal Services. To our knowledge, CARE was the first TNR program that worked in conjunction with a local animal control department. Up to that time, animal control agencies across the country stood firmly in opposition to TNR, favoring catch and kill methods instead. Times have changed since then, and more and more agencies across the country have begun to support this method. There are, still too many animal control agencies that object to TNR Programs, but passionate individuals and groups around the country are working diligently to change that.
Diane Jones passed away in late August 2006. She was fearless, tireless and fought all odds to bring a TNR program that works to Orange County. There are wonderful stories of Diane’s rescues, as well as the endless meetings she endured to see her dream come true.
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars
to change the world." – Harriet Tubman
THANK YOU Diane, you will be remembered and missed.