Improving the lives of Feral Cats in Central Florida through Trap-Neuter-Return

After reading everything on our website about TNR, please click the Book Appointment button at the bottom of this page to schedule your appointment via Setmore. Thank you for helping the cats in your community!
For all appointments:
Services are for feral, stray, abandoned, and unowned cats. Pet cats do not qualify.
All cats WILL BE ear-tipped. This is not an option. Please do not request it.
All cats MUST be in a trap, no carriers. One cat per trap.
All traps MUST have newspaper in the bottom.
All traps MUST be covered with sheets or towels.
NO food after midnight the night before surgery.
Remove food, water & litter pans before bringing the cats.
Cats MUST not be sick with URI, Mange, etc.
Kittens MUST weigh 3 pounds (approximately 3 months old)
Clinic Options
Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando, Alafaya Eastside Clinic
Cost: $6 non-refundable booking fee
Drop off: 7:00 - 7:30am
Pick up: Check with clinic
12050 East Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32826
Central Florida Community Pet Clinic
Cost: $10 non-refundable booking fee
Drop off: 8:00 - 8:45am
Pick up: Check with clinic
85 S Charles Richard Beall Blvd
Ste A
DeBary, FL 32713
Surgery Information
Ensure that cats are not given food or water after midnight the night before surgery.
During surgery, each cat will receive an ear tip - a universal sign that a cat has been sterilized. This is mandatory for all cats going through our program.
All cats will need to be confined after surgery to ensure they have fully recovered from anesthesia - male cats for 24 hours, female cats for 48 hours, & pregnant females for 72 hours.
Additionally, depending on the clinic each cat may receive:
Rabies vaccination
FVRCP vaccination
Ivermectin injection
Penicillin injection
Time-released pain medication injection
Flea Prevention is available for an additional fee.

Obtaining a Trap
PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of both the cat and clinic personnel, all cats must be presented in a humane, wire trap. Cats in carriers, dog crates, rabbit hutches, or wooden traps will be TURNED AWAY.
PLAN AHEAD! Make arrangements to pick up the trap (s) 5 to 7 days prior to your appointment (make appointment first, though). Our Trap Coordinator will show you how to properly use the trap. CARE requires a $75 or $150 refundable deposit (via cash, check, or credit/debit card) for the use of our equipment. Failure to return a trap or returning it broken will result in the forfeit of your deposit. Traps must be returned clean, or a $10 cleaning fee will apply.
To obtain a trap, please send a blank email to:
Trapping Tips
Place newspaper in the bottom of the trap.
Dusk and Dawn are the best times for trapping feral cats. Establish a routine feeding time and place. The more exact you can make it, the easier your trapping will be.
Place the trap in the feeding area for several days so that cats become accustomed to seeing it and the smell of any other cats previously trapped in it.
Set the trap so that it is open but will NOT close when triggered. If you have an unmodified automatic model tie the main door open with a bit of string. (Be sure string is trimmed short so that cats do not play with it or eat it. String can be very harmful if eaten.)
Begin feeding the cats within the trap as far in advance of your appointments as possible. One week is best.
Even if there are several cats in the colony that have been fixed, all of them should enter the trap to eat. If you leave any food outside, it is impossible to control which cats enter to eat and which do not.
Skip one feeding prior to your first trapping attempt. Missing one meal is not at all unusual for a hunter and will not hurt them at all. It will however make them all more likely to show up on schedule for the next feeding time.
Do not trap more than 2 nights before your scheduled appointment. Test the trip plate or manual trap door to ensure it is functioning properly.
Provide one to two servings of a more tempting than average food - tuna, fried chicken, canned mackerel into the back of the trap.
Move trapped cats to a secure location until their appointment.
Remove all food/water from the trap before 11PM the night before the appointment. If a food dish is in the trap, gently tip bowl over with a stick to remove food. Avoid opening the trap door!
Make sure cats are healthy with no signs of an upper respiratory infection. Sick cats will be turned away. Kittens that qualify for the program must be 3 pounds.
Always cover the trap with a sheet or towel immediately after the trap door closes to calm the cat. Keep them covered even at your appointment.